Trade Fairs & Conventions
With Innovation and Know-How to Success

The NürnbergMesse today belongs to one of the fastest-growing trade fair organizations in Europe. It is one of the Top 15 largest exhibition companies in the world and is in the Top Ten in Europe.
Its portfolio includes almost 120 national and international trade fairs and congresses in Nuremberg and worldwide.
Subsidiaries in Brazil, China, North America, Italy and India handle important growth and trade fair markets.
Each year, almost 27,000 exhibitors (international: 39 %) and 1.13 million visitors (international professionals: 22 %) take part in the self-owned, partner and guest events of the NurembergMesse Group.
The secret of our success: Precise concepts and fair and honest relations. With our customers. And with each other.
Schedule of Trade Fairs and Conventions
More information about NürnbergMesse
Simply Unique

NürnbergConvention brings together what belongs together: the activities of the NürnbergMesse and the Convention and Tourist Office Nuremberg. This peerless cooperation between a city and a convention organization is unique in Germany. Unique.
This means for you: Competencies tied together in one hand for one-of-a-kind events. From professionals for professionals. For you. Simply unique.
Nuremberg Convention Guide 2016 - Locations. Hotels. Restaurants. Service (pdf)