Highest Quality Medical Care

In terms of quality and service, Bavarian health services are among the world’s best: Thanks in part to the excellent hospitals and the many top-quality medical establishments in the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg.
Do you have questions about city tours, hotels or transfers? We’ll help you any time!
Contact: Tel.: +49 (0) 911 2236 117, E-Mail: sales(at)ctz-nuernberg.de
Klinikum Nuernberg
The Klinikum Nuernberg with its 2.500 beds and over 100.000 patients per year offers first-class diagnostic and therapeutic medicine on highest level in 38 specialised departments and institutes. World-famous specialists work together under one roof from different special fields: Heart- and vasuclar surgery, accident surgery and orthopaedy, cardiology, urology and neurology.
If you are interested in getting medical treatment in our hospital, we ask you as a first step to send us your recent medical reports in English or German by e-mail or fax. We will then forward the medical reports to the head physician of the involved department to receive the recommended individual treatment plan for you. After this we will set up a cost estimate and come back to you with all necessary information.