Someone who is not from Franconia may not understand the expression "Essigbrätlein" - directly translated: "Vinegar roast". In Franconia, this is a name for sauerbraten. But if you're only searching from home cooking, you're at the wrong place if you visit Andree Köthe and Yves Ollech. In their Essigbrätlein, you find gourmet menus created for demanding tastes.

It's no wonder that the Guide Michelin has awarded two guide michelin stars. In 2021, the Restaurant was awarded a green Michelin star as the first restaurant in Nuremberg. Gault-Millau awarded the Essigbrätlein three red toques in 2025. In 2024, Feinschmecker magazine named the restaurant one of the best 500 restaurants in Germany and awarded it 4 out of 5 points for outstanding cuisine and service as well as exceptional ambience and comfort.

Guests can expect a varied flavor experience both at lunch and in the evening. Both chefs live for fresh vegetables and all the facets of their natural flavours. Every day, they shop at farms in the local "Knoblauchsland" growing area, so that good quality and regional sourcing are guaranteed. At the beginning of their career, they were inspired by the flavour explosion created through spices. Today, eyperiment with natural aromas.

Chef Andree Köthe is pleased when guests in his cozy, 31-seat restaurant start to talk to one anonther about food - and that happens often. The ancient walls that surround Essigbrätlein on the Weinmarkt are original. It was one of the few buildings that remained undamaged during bombing in World War II. which is why the restaurant looks so quaint today.