Volkspark Dutzendteich
90478 Nürnberg
The Dutzendteich Lake means you can relax, have fun, dangle your feet in the water, paddle away in a pedal boat, go inline skating, sail, go bicycling, enjoy a cappuccino or see and be seen. The Dutzendteich Lake hosts beach bar and sausage stand, Rock im Park and Norisring. The Dutzendteich Park is the spot in which the people of Nuremberg most like to spend their free time.
Today's park with its idyllic ponds and extensive green spaces has been a popular place of recreation since the 16th century. The Dutzendteich Lake, which was created around 1430 by damming up a small stream, is no longer what it once was. Located in the middle of the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds, it was made much smaller during the Third Reich and split into two parts - the large and small Dutzendteich - by a large, granite-clad marching field.
Today, the people of Nuremberg have reclaimed the Dutzendteich Park and treat the architectural reminders of megalomania with the indifference they deserve. The Zeppelin Tribune is a great place to practice tennis, the Große Straße is a favorite spot for grilling and today, instead of hearing political propaganda where the Nazi Rallies were once held, you'll hear the thump of bass guitars and the roar of engines when Rock im Park and the DTM's Norisring take place.