Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 6, 90403 Nürnberg
A warm "Grüß Gott" and "Welcome, dear guests" to the Höllerzeders, in the Albrecht-Dürer-Stube. You'll find this cozy restaurant at Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 6, at the corner of Agnesgasse, between Albrecht-Dürer's House and the Weinmarkt, near the church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg's Old Town. In this historical building, the Höllerzeders - as a small family business - have cherished the "cultural asset" of good food and drink for several generations.
In 1951, Josef and Franziska Höllerzeder bought this historical building with its wine tavern. The more than 20-m-high, four-story corner structure with its half-timbered facade and a supporting wooden pillar dating back to 1559 in the restaurant (seats ca. 50) is one of the oldest and most remarkable half-timbered houses in Nuremberg. The building heritage authorities have named the structure an important contribution to the preservation of the historical cityscape.
The tradition of hospitality began with butcher Josef Höllerzeder and his wife Franziska, as well as cook Walburga, Josef's mother. "Gemmer aweng zum Höölerzeder" - "Let's go visit the Höllerzeders", was heard in the city from then on and for more than 20 years. The regulars and many "students" (of human nature or otherwise) drank genuine local Franconian wines served in the traditional 1/2 or 1/4 liter, ate homemade bratwurst and played cards on the old-fashioned wooden tables.
From 1973 to 2003, their son "Pepi", who was trained as a cook, and his wife Hildegard, who was a restaurant and hotel specialist, ran the restaurant. Customers could rely on down-to-earth Franconian cuisine. The inn was also known for its fair price-quality ratio, for food and regional beer and wine as well as an unusually wide range of inexpensive alcohol-free beverages. As a restaurant which trains service personnel, guests came to expect professional attention that added to their well-being. Competitions such as "Service ist unsere Leidenschaft" - "Service is our passion", as well as honors and awards from the Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association confirm this quality.
Since 2003, trained chef Michael Höllerzeder and his wife Pia are the third generation of the family to serve guests in the cozy restaurant, which is always quaintly decorated for each season. Many loyal guests (some in the third generation), as well as many business and trade fair guests, who are all greeted by name, have followed the development of the family business over the decades. They have a keen sense for good, artisan quality which ends up on the plate - quality one can taste. Just as the majority of the regular guests have been "inherited", so too the local and regional suppliers.
By the way, beer has been served by the 1/2 liter since 1951 and wine in a 1/4-liter glass. The leaded window panes still evoke nostalgic memories and the walls are decorated with copies of Dürer's prints and charming embroidered proverbs and blessings.
The historical fabric of the structure is carefully preserved and blended with up-to-date comfort. Yes, there is still a place where you can always rely on traditional Franconian hospitality: The Albrecht-Dürer-Stube. The Höllerzeders look forward to welcoming you.