Das Würzhaus
High class cuisine and excellent wines.
For me, cooking is "culture that brings people together". Even as a child, I was always happy when my mother cooked "something real". I learned my trade in prestigious restaurants such as the "Essigbrätlein" in Nuremberg and the award-winning restaurant "Castell" in South Tyrol. I try to give local cuisine a new piquancy with a mix of modern and traditional techniques. Spices are the quintessence of all that gives food character. I'm especially proud of my "honest" cuisine: Everything handmade, from the region and without additives.
I've been my own boss since 2006 and - in the meantime - my restaurant in Nuremberg has become known by more than just insiders. Visit me and my team in the "Würzhaus" and let yourself be inspired by my young, modern and solid cooking!
Since 2009, I also cook for the "Wir in Bayern" TV series in BR - most often on Tuesdays. There, I mainly try to make something magical out of a local dish and hope to inspire viewers to cook for themselves. For me, i's important to show that a special dish doesn't always have to be complicated; it is refined combinations that give the extra edge.
Sometimes my recipes seem a little too unusual, but courage pays off. The feedback so far shows that it's most often an outrageous idea that is exactly right.
High class cuisine and excellent wines.
Tasty tips from top chef Diana Burkel - Würzhaus.
Recipe from top chef Diana Burkel - Würzhaus.