Restaurant Steichele
Traditional Franconian specialties and excellent wines.
I was born on November 12, 1975 in the Hallerwiese Hospital, which is as close to the Old Town as you can get. I, together with my sister Veronika, spent my childhood both with my grandparents in Vorra and here in Nuremberg. Our grandparents ran the popular and famous "Goldene Krone" in Vorra. My grandfather, Herbert Schramm, was an inspired host who loved his home and always made sure that my Grandma and aunts - my Grandma had eight siblings - always took care of everything in the kitchen with gusto. We spent our childhood next to one stove in Vorra and another in Nuremberg... a typical upbringing for the children of innkeepers.
My schooling took place - more or less successfully - at the Wilhelm-Löhe School in Nuremberg. After a few not so outstanding performances, I left school and began an apprenticeship with my uncle as a heating and air-conditioning installer. His offer came at the right time and I was convinced that I didn't want to work in my parent's business. Afterwards, I did my year of community service at a home for troubled young people. Herre, I was resposible for breakfast and lunch for the children and teachers. Over the year I learned everything I needed to know in order to serve them proper meals. Once in a while I had help from our chef (usually when he was hungover). On weekends, I always worked at the family wine bar so that I could earn a little and then spend it almost immediately in the Nuremberg bar and club scene.
After my service year was over, I went back to school and then on to university, where I studied engineering at the Georg-Simon-Ohm Fachhochschule. My student life oscillated between lectures, bars, lectures and the student parties at the university (the business students always had the best!). I spent my practical semester in London and came back for just one semester to catch up on a couple of lectures and to write exams. The last two semesters I spent completely in London, where I also wrote my thesis. Thanks to the British lifestyle and pub culture, I gained weight and felt great.
In 2003, my family contacted me in London and begged me to save the family business. My sister and I decided spontaneously to ask our employes for a leave of absence to come home and see what we could do. We found that the business - for better or worse - was vegetating, yet had an unbelievable potential. We gave ourselves six months to change the course or give up the ship. Then we committed ourselves completely to our former life in gastronomy. With dedication, courage and (blood) sweat and tears, we made the business shipshape again.
When my sister married, she moved to Munich and since then I run the business alone. I married in 2006. My wife Stephanie is also an entrepreneuer and owns Blumen Kuhn Floraldesign, a leading florist in Nuremberg. Our personal happiness has kept on and the birth of our children Maximilian and Sophia have made our family complete.
I still have a strong interest in the many facets of wine in all its richness. In this field I strive to always learn more and I'm happy to talk to the many vintners who produce our wines. This work is finally bearing fruit: I am terribly proud that we have been mentioned in the Slowfood Enjoyment Guide every year since 2013. I may not have the usual background for a Nuremberg restaurateur... but then in Nuremberg, newcomers arre often the most successful.
Traditional Franconian specialties and excellent wines.
Tasty tips from Bernhard Steichele - Owner of restaurant Steichele.
Recipe from Bernhard Steichele - Owner of Restaurant Steichele.