Documentaries, feature films and animated movies, all of a high artistic quality, emphasize the need to recognize the dignity of human beings and support international understanding. The festival center is the Künstlerhaus in the KunstKulturQuartier. Doris Dörrie, Katja Riemann, Ulrich Gregor and Volker Schlöndorff are some of the most prominent supporters of this festival.
From the city of National Socialism to the city of human rights: Out of a responsibility to the past, the intellectual, political and social life in Nuremberg is marked by activities which place the worldwide violation of human rights in focus. Tied thematically to the awarding of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Prize, the Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival also honors human rights work with a Nuremberg Human Rights Film Prize.
Mutual respect and acceptance are the prerequisites for peace and freedom in our world. Beyond prejudice and stereotypes, people can better accept what they know and understand. What better media than film is there to convey the essence of tolerance and liberate people out of an abstraction of rules and laws that lead to hate? This is the reason that so many of the entries in the film festival illuminate developments in a variety of cultures today and examine the ways growing religious and political convictions often become the cause of violations of human rights.