In 2007, the cornerstone for this trail was laid and over the years new children’s rights stations have been added, one at a time. The latest was dedicated in 2013 and is a sculpture on which children can climb entitled "Conquer the world with education". Through playful fun, children can learn more about Article 28 – the Right to Education.


Colorful reminder of children’s rights

All the stations, whether the parent’s sculpture, the water-spitting turtle, the amphitheater, the equal rights figures, the alphabet tree, the play area or the information column are all cheerfully and colorfully designed by children together with artists from the region. The joy that the children showed when designing the stations is reflected in the entire Way of Children’s Rights. All stations have plaques giving more information about the Articles of the UN Children’s Rights Convention.

The creator of the Nuremberg Way of Human Rights, artist Dani Karavan, was so inspired by the children’s ideas that he became patron of the Way of Children’s Rights.