Military Garrison Museum
Zweibrückener Str. 54, 90441 Nürnberg
The Garrison Museum in the former air raid shelter "Hohe Marter" is devoted to the military history of this region, from the Free Imperial City (to 1806), the Royal Bavarian Army (to 1918), the Reichswehr (to 1933) and Wehrmacht (to 1945) to the US Army and the Bundeswehr of the present era.
Military life is illustrated with weapons, uniforms and objects related to military organization, as well as with large-scale dioramas (including a segment of a 1916 trench, a 1944 command post and a room in a Bundeswehr barrack).
In addition, family bequests, a collection of papers and photographs and an extensive specialized library document a broad spectrum of personal military careers.
The Garrison Museum also organizes a variety of tours of the city, lectures, and excursions with military-historical themes.